Tuesday, December 31, 2019

The Construction Of The Criminal Justice System Essay

The construction of the criminal justice system composes of various agencies with explicit procedures to control and diminish crimes accompanied by, implementing penalties on those in violation of the laws. The criminal justice system was not as complex and intricate prior to the American Revolution which focused primarily on punishment and retribution rather than deterrence. Beginning with the founding of our Country, creation of the United States Constitution, our government has created substantial amounts of legislative materials, including, laws and regulations, to ensure due process and minimize criminal acts and behaviors. Our government has looked to all the local and state officials, in joining forces to reduce crime in our states and cities. Traditional policing continues to be the norm, in spite of this, law enforcement agencies have adopted additional effective strategies and approaches, relating to curtailing criminal acts before there are committed. Law enforcement agencies have relied upon criminologists, criminal analysts and the public, to further advance their initiative of controlling crime. A variety of law enforcement agencies has organized elite or special units within their agencies tailored specifically towards the reducing crime and enhancing the quality of life within their community. Certainly, the strategies law enforcement agencies utilize across the United States vary—significantly. During my research, I uncovered strategies which exhibited vastShow MoreRelatedA New Deal For Victims And Witnesses Essay1386 Words   |  6 Pagescontrast to their contemporary passive role within the criminal justice system. This study seeks to underpin the factors which have led to this transformation. This apparent adjustment was mentioned in the government strategy document, ‘A new deal for victims and witnesses’. 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