Saturday, August 22, 2020

Examples of Regular and Irregular German Verbs

Instances of Regular and Irregular German Verbs Frail (normal) action words follow an anticipated example and don't fluctuate in the manner solid action words do. 1. arbeiten (to work) - normal (feeble) action word; - tet finishing Present: Er arbeitet bei SAP. - He works at SAP. (is working)Past/Preterite: Er arbeitete bei SAP. - He worked at SAP. (was working)Pres. Great/Perfekt: Er cap bei SAP gearbeitet. - He worked at SAP. (has worked)Past Perfect/Plusquamperfekt: Er hatte bei SAP gearbeitet. - He had worked at SAP.Future/Futur: Er wird bei SAP arbeiten. - He will work at SAP. 2. spielen (to play) - customary (powerless) action word Present: Sie spielt Karten. - Shes playing cards.Past/Preterite: Sie spielte Karten. - She played a game of cards. (was playing)Pres. Great/Perfekt: Sie cap Karten gespielt. - She played a game of cards. (has played)Past Perfect/Plusquamperfekt: Sie hatte Karten gespielt. - She had played cards.Future/Futur: Sie wird Karten spielen. - She will play a game of cards. 3. mitspielen (to cooperate) - standard (feeble) action word - distinct prefix Present: Sie spielt mit. - Shes playing along.Past/Preterite: Sie spielte mit. - She cooperated. (was playing along)Pres. Great/Perfekt: Sie cap mitgespielt. - She cooperated. (has played along)Past Perfect/Plusquamperfekt: Sie hatte mitgespielt. - She had played along.Future/Futur: Sie wird mitspielen. - She will cooperate. Solid (Irregular) German Verbs: Various Tenses These action words have sporadic structures and should be remembered 1. fahren (to drive, travel) - solid, unpredictable action word; stem-evolving Present: Er fhrt nach Berlin. - Hes driving/heading out to Berlin.Past/Preterite: Er fuhr nach Berlin. - He went/ventured out to Berlin.Pres. Great/Perfekt: Er ist nach Berlin gefahren. - He went/made a trip to Berlin. (has traveled)Past Perfect/Plusquamperfekt: Er war nach Berlin gefahren. - He had gone to Berlin.Future/Futur: Er wird nach Berlin fahren. - He will make a trip to Berlin. 2. sprechen (to talk) - solid, unpredictable action word Present: Er spricht Deutsch. - He communicates in German. (is speaking)Past/Preterite: Er sprach Deutsch. - He communicated in German. (was speaking)Pres. Great/Perfekt: Er cap Deutsch gesprochen. - He communicated in German. (has spoken)Past Perfect/Plusquamperfekt: Er hatte Deutsch gesprochen. - He had communicated in German.Future/Futur: Er wird Deutsch sprechen. - He will communicate in German. 3. abfahren (to leave) - solid action word - divisible prefix Present: Wir fahren morgen stomach muscle. - We leave/withdraw tomorrow. (are departing)Past/Preterite: Wir fuhren gestern abdominal muscle. - We left yesterday. (were leaving)Pres. Great/Perfekt: Wir sind gestern abgefahren. - We left yesterday. (have departed)Past Perfect/Plusquamperfekt: Wir waren gestern abgefahren. - We had left yesterday.Future/Futur: Wir werden morgen abfahren. - We will leave/withdraw tomorrow. 4. besprechen (to talk about) - solid action word - indivisible prefix Present: Wir besprechen dieses Thema. - We are talking about this topic.Past/Preterite: Wir besprachen das gestern. - We talked about that yesterday. (were discussing)Pres. Great/Perfekt: Wir haben das gestern besprochen. - We talked about that yesterday. (have discussed)Past Perfect/Plusquamperfekt: Wir hatten das vorgestern besprochen. - We had talked about that the day preceding yesterday.Future/Futur: Wir werden das morgen besprechen. - We will talk about that tomorrow. Extraordinary Verb Examples Past activity proceeding into the present (current state): He has been living in Berlin for a long time. (he still is)Er wohnt schon seit drei Jahren in Berlin. Activity finishing off with the past: He lived (used to live) in Berlin for a long time. (however, no longer does)Er cap drei Jahre lang in Berlin gewohnt.

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